Monday, December 11, 2006, 2:06 PM
I went to Xuanyou's chalet on last Saturday. We chatted, went to party-world, and played card games. A typical chalet programmes. Yet, it was a joyful moment that we were somehow back to the old days, days when we were young, immature and unsure of our future. The look of him, right now, was determined, certain and matured. In merely a few months time, he is going to an unknown place whereby he, himself, might not even know what would happen to him. He might change dramatically that we would not be able to recognize him after his stay in UK.
He might even bring a "white-skin" girlfriend back, whom he will introduce to his parents. Well, it all depends on him. But as far as i know about him, i believe the old Xuanyou will still stay the same. There might be some changes, but changes for the good, not for the bad.
Sometimes, i wonder, if three years down the road, will everyone still be the same, or would we be still the same, old good friends? The answer might be yes or no. The chance for yes is 50 percent. Likewise, it is for the latter. Well, regardless of whichever answer it is, it all depends on each individual/friend to make the effort to contact each other, making sure that our friendship will last.
I think that's all i would like to say. And good luck to you, my friend - Tan XuanYou.
And to you, Shawn Wang.
May all your dreams and wishes come true definitely.